You're done doing things the way you've always done them.

You are ready to up level, go all in on YOU and create a healthier self in a sustainable non-burn-out way. 

You've been trying to lose weight for a while. Or watching the clothes get tighter or food choices get lazier. 

You've decided that 2024 is the year you'll focus on RELEASING weight rather than losing it. Because you know what happens when you lose something? You end up finding it eventually!

What you know for sure is you'd like the support of someone who has done it before, and you'd love to do it in a group so you can be accountable, cheerlead and create connections with other like minded people.



You're a ready for a CATALYST




A Weight Release Program that works for your health,  long term.

Depending on your goals, is how long you'll be on the program for. Most will do their initial phase for 8 weeks, then regroup and if required, do another 8 weeks. 

Many release 8 kilograms in 8 weeks.

Catalyst utilises the signature techniques developed by Amy Mingin ~ MindBody Release. This is a specifc behavioural change and habit change strategy that she has developed over her 16 years as a women's health naturopath, mindset coach and health trainer. 

Catalyst also focuses on your relationship with food, your value of health, as well as increasing vitality of every cell of your body rather than simply the calories in, calories out method that many have relied on in the past. The program does not count calories or macros, it is focused on bringing harmony and balance to the major systems of the body ~ digestion/gut and brain/nervous system.

Via wholefood nutrition, an anti inflammatory food plan is created and suggested for each person, so you can choose foods that best suit your health goals.

When these major systems are coherent, weight release is effortless and sustainable.



*results vary depending on your circumstances and level of adherence to the suggestions of the program. 


Join Here $497 Pay in full
Join Here 8 x weekly payments $69

Why I created CATALYST:

I am passionate about people feeling and looking their best. In my 16+ years being a Naturopath, the number one issue most women would ask me to help them with was weight loss. (closely followed by pain and hormone imbalances)

They often felt ignored by their health professionals, and bewildered by the choices of diets online.

I am all about simple, healthy wholefoods, in the correct portions.

I added specific techniques into the program when I studied mindfulness, yoga, meditation, breathwork and hypnosis as I knew the body required deconditioning from how people thought they had to lose weight, to shift to the new MindBody Release method. 

I've been an elite field hockey player in the past, so I know what it takes to fuel the body with better choices than what is offered in most places people eat out at. 

I am also an avid walker, runner and gym goer. So am able to suggest personalised advice for movement during the program. 

When people are healthy, they are able to create more positive change in their lives which ripples out into the community. 

This is a big part of my mission. 

More people putting their health first = more vital, energetic and happy people in the world. 

When I first created Catalyst MindBody release, I knew it would be great. 

It's one of those things I'm well versed in - what works long term, not a magic bullet style program. 

And then people come in, follow the guidelines, and get incredible results. 

Maybe I have created a magic bullet ... but it's not a pill. 

It's a lifestyle. 

It's consistent mindset shifts.

It's reframing food and the controlling emotions you didn't realise you carried. 

It's a literal letting go of the sh!t figuratively and physically that you're carrying unnecessarily.

And what's on the other side is your real self.

Access to the energy you desire.

Your beauty, glow and true essence - people notice that, and most of all, so do you, from the inside out. 

We are beyond vanity metrics.

In Catalyst, we changes lives, one healthy choice at a time.

Ease and flow in the aspects of life that felt complicated.

Those parts you'd avoid or say "I'll wait til Monday".

It's time for the old programs to stop running the show.

Start now.




Holistic Approach: We understand that true transformation goes beyond crash diets and temporary fixes. Our program emphasises a holistic approach, addressing not just what you eat and how you move, but also the behaviours and mindset that shape your relationship with food and exercise.

Behaviour Change Strategies: Through evidence-based techniques and personalied strategies, we guide you in making lasting behaviour changes. From identifying triggers for unhealthy habits to cultivating mindful eating practices, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Mindset Mastery: Transforming your body starts with transforming your mind. Our program delves into mindset mastery, empowering you to break through self-limiting beliefs and embrace a positive relationship with food, exercise, and self-care.

What You'll Get:

Customised Nutrition Plans: Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all diets. Our nutrition plans are tailored to your preferences, dietary requirements, and goals. Enjoy delicious, nourishing meals that align with your lifestyle.

Effective Exercise Routines: Exercise shouldn't feel like a chore. We provide exercise plans designed to suit your fitness level and preferences. Whether it's yoga, strength training, or cardio, discover enjoyable workouts that energise and motivate you.

Behavioural Coaching: Our team of experts isn't just here to provide information; we're your partners in transformation. Benefit from group Q&A sessions, accountability support, and guidance tailored to your unique needs.


Proven Results: Join countless individuals who have successfully transformed their lives through our program. Our approach has empowered many to achieve sustainable weight release and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Community Support: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals on the same journey. Share experiences, gain motivation, and celebrate milestones together in a supportive environment.

Empowerment Beyond Weight Loss: Our goal isn't just about shedding kilos; it's about empowering you to lead a vibrant, fulfilling life with confidence and vitality.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you? Apply to join CATALYST today and unlock the tools, guidance, and support you need to achieve your mind & body goals.

I Am Ready

The Details

How does it work?

 Fill in the questionnaire application. Go to your email inbox, then add yourself to the facebook group via the link.

Your plan will be emailed to you within 24 hrs of applying as the team will create your personalised plan from your answers.

Ask any questions you have and support others, in the facebook group.

Stay tuned for dates for Q&A sessions. 


How long does it go for?

CATALYST access is for 6 months. This gives you the opportunity to release the amount of weight you'd like to release as well as gain the support of the community as you go through your MindBody Release program.

There is the opportunity to continue after the 6 months is up. 


What's the investment?

This includes program access



Meal plan

Exercise plan

Community support

Group trainings and Q&A sessions

**It is important to note here: due to the front heavy nature of this program, if you are choosing to pay via payment plan, your personalised meal plan and the group support will be created upon the completion of your payments. Thank you for your understanding**

Join Here
Join via Payment Plan


Follow me on Instagram @amymingin


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